Beating Procrastination with a Pomodoro!

Altamush Saeed
2 min readAug 21, 2020

Alike all of you, I too am a creature scared of procrastination. I too am a victim of this evil monster that no matter what I do, It never goes away and instead it comes back to haunt me whenever I need to get any work done.

However, This week, I watched a few Tedx videos of Barbara Oakley and Tim Urban as a part of my Amal Career Fellowship Program, and those videos gave me knowledge about a weapon through which we could once and for all vanquish procrastination.

As odd it may sound, the weapon's name is a “Pomodoro” which is essentially a metaphoric illustration of a timer through we could create an artificial deadline to complete our tasks. Well, just like all of you, I was curious to apply my new learnings onto a task.

The tasks that I choose included drafting a resume and reading a 32-page research paper. To start with, I kept a 25-minute timer on my alarm clock and after removing all possible distractions in my way, I started working on my tasks.

To my awe, those 25 minutes were surreal and it felt like magic. For those 25 minutes, I simply lost myself in the moment and kept my full motivation onto completing my tasks. In between, I did face a few distractions as my Cats occasionally came sprawling at me to play with them, but apart from this, I faced no hurdle of any sorts against fully concentrating at my tasks,

Finally, when my alarm bell rang, I gave myself a small 5 minutes breather and then again started on another 25 minutes Pomodoro session. Ultimately, after an hour, I was able to complete both of my tasks. In light of the results, I had to truly thank Amal Academy for all of their continuous support.

For the future, I will plan to apply the Pomodoro technique and more often and with time, I will make some adjustments to it as well such as increasing or decreasing the duration of these sessions based on the difficulty of the tasks I plan to accomplish.



Altamush Saeed

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